Case Studies»

Artists for Warren

Look, we know–Elizabeth Warren might have said she wasn’t going to run for President in 2016. But if there was ever a time we needed a voice like hers in the conversation—one that laid down the righteous truth about Wall St. corruption and how to bring our country to a place where working Americans are given a fair shake in a 1% world–it was then.

So in 2015, we hit the ground running when longtime client decided to engage on our shared idea to draft Elizabeth Warren for President. ART NOT WAR quickly founded Artists for Warren, working with Academy Award-nominated actor Mark Ruffalo and co-founder Winnie Wong to develop a coalition of artists to join us in MoveOn’s Run Warren Run campaign. Our first Artists for Warren event was held in NYC on January 22nd, immediately earning major media coverage and paving the way for the Bernie juggernaut that was soon to come.